Wednesday, August 31, 2011

My Life Prayer

Lord endow me with wisdom that only King Solomon enjoyed. I hope beyond hope to experience the true pleasures of this world.

My life is but for a moment so every minute counts. Allow me to work by the talents you placed in my hands. Allow me to prosper by growing to be a real man.

Bless everything that I touch and I will give you the ten percent; when I don't pay you I don't even know where the money went.

Allow me to meet my soul partner, the one who will walk, talk and share with me on this journey. Let her love be more than for just a moment.

Keep my heart from being fooled by lips, hips and finger tips. Things can easily make a man trip. Show me your love when I look in her eyes and I will give to her my good treasure that I hide inside.

Bless those I touch in this life, let my words breath life into life. Let my faith grow to encourage millions, let them see how your OHHHH what a feeling.

Allow me to share how life is what you make it. You are what you have spoken, you feel what you have said and you have what your words have produced.

Wisdom what a beautiful thing, It's more important than any amount of money you have seen.

Lord allow me to fulfill my destiny. Allow me to have no regrets about not trying to be all I can be.

Let me live life to the fullest and when I am gone like the Apostle Paul I can say, I ran the race, I fought a good fight and I kept the Faith. If I can say that I deserve to come home and take my place and I won't shy away from seeing your face.


Jevon D. Hayter

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Don't Give Up! Success is waiting

Who can say for sure why we are here, in the blink of an eye goes by the years.

To be happy is the goal, but we look up and we have done nothing but get old.

I know it hurts to fail, but it hurts even worse to regret.

Life will bring ups and life will bring downs.

It's really up to you how long your face stays on the ground.

Power is not in the money but in You!

Speak the right words and you will be amazed how money will find you.

We chase the dream when the dream wants to chase us, that's why those who speak positive own the earth.

If you think you can't and if you think you can your right, I love that quote it's pretty tight.

You really won't find happiness until you live your passion, do what you were put here for and live by your talent.

Family, Friends and God is what makes a man rich, everything else you can throw in the ditch.

Life is what you make it because you have a mind, get up and get on your grind.

Create, Build, Love, Share, Care! Then SUCCESS will be there!

Jevon H.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

From THE Father to a Father

9 months before 5:32 pm on Tuesday February 27th 1979

The heavenly Father gave me life!

I am sending you to a place that's evil and filled with pain and strife.

You have a destiny to fulfill so you must be born.

I can not go there, but I have prepared a good man who will guide you along.

He comes from another good man who has shown him the way.

He's your Protector he knows his job, he'll report for work on your first day!

He's going to Provide for you he'll labor day and night if he has too.

Listen to his teaching his Words will give you insight about ME.

He has studied my WORD he knows the deep things most people can't see.

As you grow he will show you glimpse's of my Agape LOVE.

This is a kind of Love that only comes from heaven above.

Obey him he will not lead you astray, I trained him myself to give you encouragement everyday.

Many have forgotten their place in the land but a Good Man never leaves the gift that I give; this man will be with you to the end.

I've blessed you so you can fulfill my plan, Never ever forget how blessed you are to be raised by a Good Man.

He will teach you how to worship, and that will open the doors; He will teach you how to have faith which will cause me to bless you more and more.

So rest now and grow in 9 months you must go. But I have prepared what I call a Father and he will meet you at the door.

So fulfill your purpose then you can come back home. Help those in the place that need help, that's every one's goal.

This good man has a job and does it with pride. Show him honor and he will be filled with joy inside.

I'm your Father; tell those who didn't get a good man, to find me and they find their best friend.

I'll be waiting and watching you through the years! If your good man leaves you know that I will be here.

Now do my will, and all will be okay and Me you and your earthly father will all worship together oneday!

Happy Father's Day

To A Good Man

J.D. Hayter

by Jevon D. Hayter

Thursday, January 27, 2011

So Unfaithful

Lord what can I say, I am so unfaithful. We are like a man who looks in the mirror and forgets what he looks like as soon as he turns around.

We prayed for a GOOD CAREER and you gave it, but we won't give you the first fruits. We spend your money with joy and never think of U.

We prayed for a LUXURY CAR and you gave it, but yet we can't make it to church on Tuesday and Sunday's is a toss up maybe we make it maybe we don't.

We prayed for a HOUSE and you gave it, but yet we did all sorts of sin in the house and never took the time to worship you for the roof or the shelter or the heat or the cool air. You moved us in and we moved in your enemy.

Were so Unfaithful

We prayed for a MATE and you gave it, but we don't love your child the way we should. We cheat and beat and abuse your child, God we are out here running wild.

We prayed for CHILDREN and you gave them, but we don't spend time, don't show them your ways or teach them your laws. No wonder they don't know right from wrong, the T.V. is not a good parent after all.

Yet in all this we blame you when we lose the Job, when the Car breaks down, when we can't make the Mortgage, when our Spouse leaves and Children hate us.

And never do we think maybe this happened because I am so